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ExtremePie Hardware-Skate Hardware-Accessories Hardware Extreme Horizon Keypod Car Safe Lock
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Hardware Extreme Horizon Keypod Car Safe Lock by - Extreme Horizon

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Price: £19.99

We've all faced the same problem before we've gone out surfing diving windsurfing mountain biking etc parked the car got kitted up ready to go and theres been nowhere safe to stash the car Keys. Most of us have a place somewhere on the car to "hide" the keys away either under the wheel arch bumper or similar? Perhaps thinking its either a case that either no ones going to find them there or hope that no one decides to look! Well thieves are looking they have realised that extreme sports enthusiasts can be easy targets for car crime because we leave our keys lying around to be used! A quick check around a few likely looking vehicles at a surf spot car park and thieves are going to find car 2004 in the UK Devon and Cornwall counties alone there were 10 879 car theft crimes either cars stolen or broken into so there are professional thieves and opportunist criminals operating and KEYPOD is here to make life hard for them... KEYPOD is a simple robust portable weather resistant secure storage safe for keys and other valuables designed to deter would be thieves so that they move on to an easier target. It blends a three digit combination padlock with an integrated storage cavity which is large enough to hold all know modern electronic vehicle keys (and keyless "keys") household keys spare change credit cards and even some mobile phones. By simply pressing a button the 8mm padlock shackle opens simultaneously with the storage lid place in your keys etc choose a solid anchor point on the car to secure the padlock shackle close the lid and shackle and set the keys! As KEYPOD is portable it can be secured anywhere on your vehicle for example on the suspension coil towing eye under the car body-anywhere that theres a secure point to attach the padlock shackle to. Although KEYPOD doesn't just have to be left on the car-choose any secure place to attach it and off you go! A Keypod can be attached to any secure anchor point-for example underneath the car... Locked on the towing eye... For even more flexibility try using a cable secured to the car attach a Keypod and hide it! Keypods can also hold some small mobile phones credit cards cash or any small valuables that you need to store whilst surfing travelling or just at home

Product Code: ROOT49442
Brand: Extreme Horizon

This item is sold in the UK by ExtremePie
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