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Extreme Pie - Surf Snow Skate store

Gifts DVDs Pretty Good Dvd Pretty Good by - DVDs

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Price: £18.75

Each fall a sense of anxiety creeps into the minds of skiers. As the weather cools we obsessively begin checking web cams peering out of windows and aimlessly driving up mountain roads in search of the first snow. When those first flakes hit the ground we grab our gear and head for the hills. Whether it’s setting up a rail at the base or hiking the trails before the chair spins we’re just stoked to be back on the snow. Rage has always been about exposing the hottest up-and-coming stars and showcasing all aspects of freeskiing. This season was no different with new and veteran athletes working harder than ever to bring you the most progressive tricks from handrails to backcountry cliffs. We tactically planned our season to camp out at select locations until everything was hit new tricks were stomped and everyone was ready to move on. Freeskiing is as much about the kids skiing 200ft ski hills as it is about tackling big mountain lines. That is why in producing this ski film we made sure to showcase the sport in all its diversity. Whether it’s a 6:00am hike on a two foot pow day in the Wasatch or a midnight rail.

Product Code: ROOT62788
Brand: DVDs

This item is sold in the UK by ExtremePie
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